One of the pleasures of working at RUFSKIN is that we get to accumulate our photographic adventures into an E-ZINE we call RUFHOUSE MAG. Created sporadically throughout the year, RUFHOUSE MAG offers you the viewer a glimpse into our current RUFSKIN styles as well as other brands photographed on faraway and exotic locations or the RUFHOUSE STUDIOS in Rancho Mirage. Below is our latest issue. We started again on issue 1 but we are up to 3 volumes made up of 12 issues. This issue focused primarily on our new sportswear line ULTRASPORTmade up custom prints and futuristic details as well as our signature denim pieces, photographed in the best footwear possible, cowboy boots. To see the whole magazine click on this link. RUFHOUSE MAG ISSUE1/vol3See you at the next location wherever that may be!!! Photographed by Hubert Pierre Pouches @hubertrufksin and featuring the one and only Logan Alan Swiecki-Taylor @lswieckitay.
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