
April 08, 2020

What is this RUFHOUSE MAGAZINE all about anyway? RUFHOUSE was born out the necessity to showcase the current photos that we took on our adventurous location shoots, photographic tests with friends or images deriving from our actual RUFHOUSE STUDIO.Cataloging these images in one place like RUFHOUSE gives us the chance to share our work with an e-zine concept for our customers and followers to see. We wrote an editorial letter of sorts at the beginning of issue 12 that sums up the entire contents of our you will need a tissue issue, but below one will find some of our favorite screen-grabs as well as brief info about each of the photo essays. To view the whole magazine of issue number 12  CLICK AQUI!

Matt Bechstein @mcbex444 a friend of ours from Palm Springs, worked it out BIG time for us in the RUFHOUSE STUDIO one Saturday afternoon. What a sexy dude! Besides the fact it was like a million degrees outside, we had to hose him down throughout the shoot which proved to be perfect for our some of our ( uh hum) transparent pieces from our collection. Enjoy!

Then voila! The story of all stories from our guest photographer Baldovino Barani al la #factoryfanzine. using the handsome Wilfred Wong @thatwilfred in an all American boy story using our current swimwear group. God Bless 'merica!

Next up come the men. Real-life couple Jason Blair @jjbear83 and Giovanni Aurilia @inked5 gave us a dose of masculinity and romance on the rocks at Black Lava Butte near Joshua Tree, CA. In addition to being super nice, one can get the feeling that these two men really love each other. We particularly love how the images of the khaki short shorts or (Romeo) on these two.

Here is LOGAN. RUFSKIN muse and another chameleon. This time Logan is sporting bleach blond hair and wearing uber 90's styling.

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